
Moshiach Is In The Closet

February 07, 2010 02:45

When an Orthodox rabbi starts calling for a reform of Judaism, it's worth considering what may be the underlying motive. So what's behind Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet's call to radically change of our Torah's guidlines for conversions to that of an extreme supremacist cult?

In his article, Rabbi Schochet quoted part of a Talmud about times when conversions were suspended. But he conveniently omitted that other time which the Talmud mentions, and the clue is in the omission.

A while ago Rabbi Schochet wrote an article explaining why it's 'ok' to believe that the Rabbi of Lubavitch is Moshiach. We've also heard of a group in Australia who changed the way they celebrate the Tenth of Tevet because they believe Their Rabbi is Moshiach and the time has come to make those changes.

Now, what do you think says in that bit of Talmud that Rabbi Schochet omitted? The times of King Solomon are irrelevant to us. But the other time mentioned there is a time in the future, and that is 'In the days of Moshiach'. So it seems that Rabbi Schochet is trying to get laws changed to the way they will be when Moshiach comes.

I have no problem with anyone believing that their Rabbi/Priest/Guru is/are Moshiach, it's everyone's right. And the Australien Chassidim, Kol Hakavod to them for being open about it, and standing up for what they believe in and actually acting on it. But what I think is wrong is for someone trying to sneak Messianic laws into our system behind our backs. So, if Rabbi Schochet is of the opinion that Moshiach is here and it's time to stop accepting converts, he should be open about it and tell everyone why.

February 07, 2010 02:45

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