
Message from Shalom Achshav

November 24, 2016 22:49

From Shalom Achshav - Peace Now Israel

End It Now!
Peace Now has published an ad in Haaretz calling upon the government to stop all military action and try to get a political solution:

The time has come for the Government of Israel to hold its fire and to let diplomacy work.

Today we should aim to reach a long term agreement to end Hamas attacks, which would ensure quiet and security in the South of Israel with international support.

Peace Now is calling upon Barak, Livni and Olmert not to repeat the mistakes of the second Lebanon War and to stop all military action now!

In addition, the following has been sent to Peace Now activists:

Dear Activist,
Last Saturday the IDF began military action in the Gaza Strip in response to Hamas rocket attacks on Southern Israel. Since then opinions amongst left wing circles have been divided over this military action, its justification and the affect on the region as a whole.

While the devastating pictures of death and destruction in Gaza are seen nightly on our TV screens, it is also apparent to all that we are unable to accept the unending rocket strikes on sovereign Israeli territory. The question remains: is this military action by the IDF the correct and moral Israeli response to the Qassam attacks?

Although even amongst Peace Now members there are conflicting opinions regarding the usefulness of such IDF action, there is complete consensus that the government of Israel must end this now and negotiate an internationally sponsored ceasefire. In the last steering committee meeting, held on Monday, it was decided that Peace Now will be calling publicly on the government to hold fire and to give negotiations for a ceasefire a chance.

An advert stating this will be published tomorrow on the front page of the Haaretz newspaper and will continue to be postered throughout the country.

Peace Now will be organizing national activities, to call for a ceasefire, as long as the military action continues, please follow up your emails and on our website for further details:

November 24, 2016 22:49

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