
True chutzpah

August 04, 2016 09:50

Whatever other lessons there may be from the Chakrabarti report and the broader issue of antisemitism among Labour members, one thing is clear: the party’s NEC behaved deplorably in attempting to suppress Baroness Royall’s inquiry into allegations of antisemitism within Oxford University Labour Club. Honourably, the Labour peer has now distributed it herself — presumably in despair at her party’s refusal. Labour’s attitude is telling; it trumpeted her appointment as evidence that it took antisemitism seriously. When she reported that there had indeed been incidents, it then attempted to bury the report. Asked this week about its findings, Labour responded that it did not comment on leaked documents — providing a new definition of chutzpah, given that it was “leaked” by its author because the party ignored its own promise to publish it. As for Ms Chakrabarti: one wonders how her reputation can survive this shoddy episode. The only person to emerge with any credit is Baroness Royall.

August 04, 2016 09:50

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