
Kahanist fascists, sinat chinam and their pathetic self-arson

August 04, 2011 18:47

Since Baruch Marzel and his mob of Kahana fascists only went to the tent city to try and cause problems (racist and homophobic changing, for instance) - probably sent by the far right government as agents provocateurs - it isn't beyond the realms of possibility that they were the ones who started the fire and attacked the photographer. They do have form in being violent with a pyromanic tendency. Just look at the Price Tag Jewish terrorists. That's their Modus Operandi.

Also the organisers, a group of middle class professionals, asked marzels fascists to leave because of the provocations they were causing. Everyone is welcome at the protest, just not the settlers and the other fascists who caused the economic crisis for the middle and working classes in the first place.

The Anarchists Against the Wall movement rejected the far right claims.

"The idea of torching a tent with people inside is shocking," said a member of the movement. "The very idea of one of the activists belonging to Anarchists Against the Wall would do such a thing is preposterous. These are groundless, slanderous accusations"

That kind of pyromaniac protest is the modus operandi of the Jewish terrorists in the occupied territories.
Funny how the far right and its wannabe supporters were dissing the protests only last week, but now that they seem to have widespread support - 80% of Likudniks even - the fascists feel the need to join in. After their racist and homophobic chanting yesterday, they aren't welcome.

Tensions flared on Rothschild Wednesday after large groups of rightist activist arrived at the protest site to the great dismay of many protesters who do not agree with the rightists' views.

The hypocrisy of the nine days, eh...
Marzel and his fascist thugs were shunned by most protesters because they aren't stupid. They realise that the fascists were sent as agents provocateurs the moment they started with their racist and homophobic chanting.
It's a bit too late to jump on the bandwagon.

I can't wait until this hypocrisy ends on Tuesday night. Then the true face of the fascist purveyors of sinat chinam, the settlers and their great pretender friends, will be able to go back to doing what they do best - spreading hatred, especially of themselves.

And in spirit of their hatred, here's some of the graffiti sprayed on a JNF street marker (how ironic) on Rothschild Boulevard.
The slogans read: "The Sudanese are donkeys" (a reference to the asylum seekers and those who do all the dirty work) and "Arabs Out" (in German that's "Juden Raus").

Here we have some more of the fascists' good ole baseless hatred
And here we have some wearing T-shirts with "Tel Aviv for Jews". They must have got that one from here:

Crowds of Rostockers let the rock throwers disappear into their midst when chased by police, cheering on the skinheads and screaming "Germany for the Germans!" Hundreds of rioters were arrested, and hundreds of police were injured in the fighting.

Maybe they need T-shirts that say "Auslander Raus!" Oh, there is one with something like that.

Oh dear, here are some "anarchists"

August 04, 2011 18:47

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