
Israel advocates not the ones with criminal records .

November 06, 2011 18:00

Quite remarkable that bds campaigner Iris seeks to claim the moral highground when in fact it is the bds that are picking up criminal records .
As I understand , four of their reprobates picked up sentences for aggravated trespass having chained themselves to blocks of concrete inside Ahava .
Only the craven capitulation and possible indifference by the Albert Hall following the repeated interruptions to the proms concert in September prevented further prosecutions for premeditated aggravated trespass . Mind you that comes as little surprise when we learn of similar miscreants defecating inside St Pauls Cathedral . It's perhaps a sign of a society which has lost all sense of value and dignity when it allows the inmates to take over the asylum .
But no matter , the bds helped convert a few thousand extra people to Israels cause and at the same time provided visceral hatred of the numbskulls who ruined their evening .
The narcissists that comprise the bds can big themselves up to their hearts content . Closing down a single front shop in a backwater of Covent Garden is hardly going to make an impression on Israels thriving economy but self delusion after narcissim seems to be the only thing the bds have going for them .
Still , it will soon be Christmas and time for another sing along carol concert with caryl . I just wonder how many millions of pounds of business will be concluded with Israel during those two happy slappy hours .
It makes you wonder .

November 06, 2011 18:00

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