

November 24, 2016 23:04

I read NWJew’s cunning little piece of religious narrow-mindedness with a certain amount of pleasure. Pleasure because while he probably considers himself to be such a clever old thing it is however clear that the real winners here were those Chareidim who for all his unconcealed loathing and sarcasm (the lowest form of wit) were still willing to give him money however much it was (the majority of Stamford Hill Jews are not wealthy as he well knows) and not send him away empty handed – bigoted and intolerant (?) he should take a good look at himself in the mirror!
People genuinely collecting for the ill and the destitute or for poor brides or even dare I mention it yeshivot he should realise are doing him a favour by giving him the opportunity to give Tzedoka which if he is as Jewish as he claims he is, he should also know is a shield against ill health and a segulah for parnossa (a big help with those non-Jewish school fees).
Oh and by the way O Intolerant One on a trip to Melbourne in 1995, Rav Lau Shlita the former Chief Rabbi of Israel and now Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv was allegedly asked by a member of a "modern orthodox" shule if it was permitted to call up a clergyman of the Reform movement. This clergyman was from a neighbouring City and was a brother of a Bar Mitzva Boy's mother. Rav Lau permitted the Aliya. This information appears here:

November 24, 2016 23:04

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