
I thought I was weak, says victim

March 23, 2016 13:03

Former JFS student Esther Marshall, 26, was a victim of domestic abuse. For a year, she was abused by her ex-partner, who is Jewish. She recalled locking herself in the bathroom, crying and in pain, but never telling anyone about her ordeal.

She says: "I was too scared to come forward as I thought people would think I was weak. I thought myself that I was weak because otherwise how would this have happened to me.

"Most people know about domestic abuse. However usually coupled with that is the emotional and psychological which has a much more detrimental effect on women and stops them from coming forward to get help. It took me eight years to speak about it properly. It's not easy, even now."

Miss Marshall has founded StandTall, an online platform to support women who have been abused. She believes more needs to be done to raise awareness of domestic violence in the community.

She says: "I do not think there is enough awareness at all. It needs to be spoken about more and people need to stop seeing it as a taboo. Many women in our communities are going through this and do not feel supported. There is not enough education out there and not enough awareness at all.

"There can always be more done as there are still plenty of women and girls who are afraid to speak out. Of course [JWA's campaign] can be seen as a step in the right direction but by no means is this a reason to stop."

She adds: "I think the main point is education. The way that we can stop this is through education - education of girls and boys in our young generation. This is vital in order tobegin to stop this, not just in the Jewish community but the world as a whole."

Miss Marshall has launched a fundraising campaign to build StandTall homes, which she hopes will provide care for abuse victims.

March 23, 2016 13:03

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