
He's not the Messiah

November 24, 2016 23:01

But he has been a very naughty boy. Arye Deri, the former leader of Shas and Interior Minister who did time for all sorts of financial naughtiness, has declared he's re-entering the political fray.

This might cause Eli Yishai and Binyamin Netanyahu to have kittens, as the charismatic Deri is likely to take votes from both Shas and the Likud despite - or perhaps because of - his years behind bars.

Another worrying factor for the dar right is that he is pro-peace. "I'm scared of wars and I have never voted for a war or a military operation.," he told Ynet. He just wants to unite the people (good luck with that, mate. Just don't listen to the settlers and their mates who will inevitably call you a Nazi). Unlike Yishai, he's not vindictive and is open-minded when it comes to other Jews who are not ultra-Orthodox.

November 24, 2016 23:01

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