
Marcus Dysch

Have JDate boobed?

June 05, 2009 11:42

I gather there have been complaints from residents in West Hampstead about JDate’s latest billboard.

The advert features a buxom woman holding a pint of beer and carries the tagline: “What’s more, she’s Jewish”.

Her head has been sliced off the top however, leaving her cleavage as the er, focal point, of the poster.

Sarah Kaiser has organised a letter of complaint from those supposedly offended by the image. She said: “It’s saying that her brain’s not important. All that matters, apparently, are the big boobs and her liking for alcohol.”

Add your own punchline, as they say.

Anyway, as the JDate spokesman perhaps correctly points out, their ad campaign, featuring singles from its own website, has attempted to show Jewish daters in a different light.

Rather than the to-be-expected gimpy loser sitting in a darkened room with a only a keyboard to keep him company, the billboards instead portray a “hunky male swimmer”, “female guitarist” and, as we can see, “a girl who loves beer”.

Ms Kaiser’s fellow complainant, Vicky Prais, says she’ll boycott the site until the posters are taken down. This sort of nimby-ism is so last year. Would these women prefer to have seen one of the old stereotypes that we all know so well and indeed find infinitely more offensive?

Surely people should be proud that the world can see young (or indeed old) Jews as modern, cool, attractive people, much as they may regard internet daters on non-Jewish sites?

Now then, I wonder what the girl who loves beer’s username is? Maybe I’ll drop her a line.

June 05, 2009 11:42

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