Are you fashion conscious? Are you worried about what people might think of you, or are you confident in your style?
Here is some fashion advice from Helen Hathaway, The Jewish Chronicle’s fashion columnist, in 1938.
WOMEN are beginning to wear their hair in the new upward position. I have been approached by many women during the last few days concerning the problem of changing their hair style, so I think that certain basic rules should be laid down…, If you want your hair to have that sleek, well-kept look you have so greatly admired in smart women, keep an old silk handkerchief with which to polish your hair after you have thoroughly brushed it. For the actual dressing of the hair in the upward style, you will need two side combs and a back comb. I have seen a very ingenious invention made by a popular West End hairdresser. It is a set of combs, the teeth of which are made with specially designed openings. When you have combed lip the hair with these, they stay absolutely securely in place, and take in all the uneven pieces of hair… he has also evolved a slide which is notched and bent and which is threaded into the back of the hair completely imprisoning the tiresome strays. The new hair style demands that the crown of your head should consist of a mass of upstanding curls. For evening wear, this is a very attractive fashion, and really sets off to advantage your Edwardian frock. But it is difficult to maintain the curls if in the day you wear one of the fashionable flat large hats.,Paris has already made an attempt to accommodate the modern woman's hair problem. Schiaparelli, who designed the hat you see in the picture, has produced one the crown of which is made of soft printed silk and matches the scarf it is worn with. This hat has an upturned brim of straw.,But the important point is that it completely covers the hair and at the same time does not disarrange it. You can have your curls set in the morning and, by wearing this hat during the day, you can be sure that your head will be perfect for the evening entertainment. There is no doubt that, as the vogue for curled and dressed hair proceeds to gain popularity with women, so, too, will the type of hat which actually protects and conceals the hair… |
Fashion has changed quite a bit since 1938, yet what goes around comes around.
Maybe save this article so that when this hairstyle comes back in, you’ll know exactly what to do!