
Four years on, another World Cup - and Gilad Shalit is still in captivity

June 24, 2010 22:18

Four years ago, most of us were doing exactly what we are doing right now: watching the World Cup and wondering whether England would progress to the quarter finals.

For Noam and Aviva Shalit and their family, Sunday 25 June 2006 will forever be the day that their nightmare began and their lives were put on hold.

I remember that summer so vividly.The kidnapping of Gilad Shalit set in motion the most terrible time. A little over two weeks later, the kidnapping of two more soldiers near the Lebanese border was the catalyst for the Second Lebanon War.

Four years on it's the 2010 World Cup, and the Shalit family's nightmare is still going on. Gilad Shalit has been held in captivity in Gaza, whereabouts unknown, since early that Sunday morning in 2006, when a Gazan terror cell launched a cross-border attack on an IDF post near Kibbutz Kerem Shalom in southern Israel. Lt. Hanan Barak from Arad and Sgt. Pavel Slocker from Dimona were killed in the attack.

This Sunday June 27 at dawn, the Shalit family will begin a march from their home in Mitzpeh Hila to Jerusalem.
For 12 days, Noam, Aviva, their family and friends and the Israeli public will march for Gilad’s life.

If you live outside of Israel, please hold your own events over the next couple of weeks to coincide with what is happening here. The focus should be on making sure the Red Cross keeps the pressure on Hamas to allow, at the very least, an exchange of letters between Gilad Shalit and his family.

Now is the time to challenge the 'humanitarians' aboard the 'peace' flotillas who refuse to include Gilad Shalit among the recipients of the aid they propose taking to Gaza. They refuse to take just one postcard from his parents in the cargo. If they are on a humanitarian mission, why do they refuse? Why does this blatant discrimination against Gilad Shalit’s human rights in Gaza not receive far more attention throughout the world?

Here is the timetable of the events in Israel. They may be subject to change. Please forward it to your family and friends in Israel. Email me on if you would like more information.

Sunday June 27
Leave Mitzpeh Hila at 8.30 towards Cabri.
Break at Cabri 14.00 and “happening”
After noon turn towards Ben Ami in direction Naharyiah where there will be an event at the mall in the evening.
Sleeping over at Kfar Masyryk (family and organizers)

Monday June 28
Morning Lochamei Hagetaot –Acco.
10-12 Stopping at Acco, Kikar Harakevet for “happening”
12 walk from Acco
Lunch break, afternoon stop – continue from there to Kiryat Motzkin
Evening “happening” Kikar Hatotach, K.Motzkin
Overnight K.Motzkin

Tuesday June 29
Morning leave K.Motzkin in direction Haifa go in downtown through Atzmaut.
Afternoon Continue to Yagur
Evening Kibbutz Yagur “happening”
Overnight Yagur

Wednesday June 30
Morning Yagur-Yokneam
11.00 break Yokneam
14.00Afternoon “happening” Zichron Yaakov near Moetza
Continue from Tsomet Zichron to Tsomet Yarka
Overnight Magen Michael

Thursday July 1
Morning Tsomet Zarka-Hadera
Mall Hadera “happening”
Afternoon walk from Mall Hadera - Maabarot
Overnight Hadera or neighbouring moshav.

Friday July 2
Gathering Hadera-Maaberot
Maaberot to Netanya Mall
Afternoon break Netanya where there will be a “happening”
Continue afternoon walk Netanya to Shfayim.
Evening Kabbalat Shabbat Caesaria opposite the PM’s house

Shabbat July 3
Day of rest Shefayim
Evening “happening” Raanana after Shabbat
Overnight Shefayim

Sunday July 4
Morning Leave Shefayim for Herzlia -“Happening”at 7 Stars Mall.
Afternoon from Mall to Halacha intersection - Ayalon
Overnight Glil Yam

Monday July 5
Leave Tsomet Glilot to Central Tel Aviv.
Midday break Tel Aviv will start at 12.00
13.00 Leave for KEREM SHALOM, the place where Gilad was captured.
15.00 Visit the site where he was kidnapped.
17.00 Concert at KFAR AZA (be there latest 16.30 plenty of parking)
Overnight Tel Aviv

Tuesday July 6
Leave from Azrieli Mall Tel Aviv to Beit Dagan
Break at Beit Dagan and “happening”
Afternoon Tsomet Ramle route 44-town centre
Evening Ramle and “happening”
Overnight Givat Brenner

Wednesday July 7
Leaving Route 1 at New Tsomet Naan to Latrun
“Happening” at Latrun-Tanks Memorial and Hativa188
Continue Tsomet Latrun Route 1–Shaar Hagai(farm)
Overnight - Field School Ramat Shapira

Thursday July 8
March begins to Jerusalem
16.00 Motza to Red House
17.00 GINAT SACHAROV (human rights leader)
Continue to march in Jerusalem
20.00 Arrive at the protest tent and ceremony
Overnight Jerusalem

“I ask the public, anyone who can, to join us along the various parts of the route as well as during the time we will be in the tent opposite the Prime Minister's Residence, to identify with us and to show their position by coming there physically. We will continue the struggle until we see Gilad.” – Noam Shalit in an interview in today’s Haaretz.

Please show your solidarity with the Shalit family.

June 24, 2010 22:18

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