
Depressing Times

April 23, 2009 23:15

I've been digesting the news from around the world for a few weeks and deliberately held back from spewing out the anger that I feel about the injustice that is being purveyed against the State of Israel. I was busy teaching my students instead of doing the following:

I didn't get up there at anti-racism conference in Geneva and deliver a vile, racist and rancid rant, on the eve of Yom Hashoah, Israel and the Jewish world's annual remembrance of the Holocaust.

I didn't pretend to be a friend of Israel, whilst at the same time encouraging a boycott of good coming out of the country (the Labour Government obviously needs to occupy its mind with other things when its not busy sending out dodgy emails or charging us for porn movie rentals)

I didn't spend £20,000 sending a bunch of MP's to a conference where the keynote speaker was a member of the Hezbollah terrorist organisation.

I didn't set up a special line to advise anti-Israel boycotters of what products were produced in the West Bank by both Palestinians and Israelis (Every little bit helps whom, Tesco?)

I didn't act like a total hypocrite by conducting a highly suspect war in Iraq, whilst in the same rancid breath daring to brand Israeli generals "war criminals" for engaging in a battle to protect women and children from constant Kassam attacks.

I didn't do any of these.

I did however applaud when a few dozen individuals walked out on Ahmedinejad mid-rant. This fleeting moment of satisfaction reminded me that not everyone out there is hell-bent on scapegoating Israel and by extension, the Jews for every malady in this putrid planet that we call Earth.

I also prayed that the same people who are carrying out all of the above feel exactly the same way about the appalling Chinese behaviour towards the people of Tibet, the disgraceful forty five year old boycott of Cuba by America, the genocide that is going on in Darfur, the discrimination against the Bahai in Iran and so forth.

I'm writing about this, because I don't recall that shmock of an Iranian mentioning it at the anti-racist conference. Then, again, he was probably too busy denying the Holocaust to actually say anything of real worth.

I am also saving my last laugh for Gordon Brown and his cronies - because next year, indirectly, his antipathy towards Israel will cost him and them their jobs. My only hope is that this nasty and pernicious man gives Israel a fleeting thought as he steps out of his beloved No 10 for the very final time.

When you mess with the Jews, you always end up losing - just ask Ken Livingston, Saddam Hussein, Hitler, Arafat and Nasser what happened to them after they started a fight with our people.

We never forget a friend.

We also never forget those who took us on - and lost.

April 23, 2009 23:15

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