
Definitely dumb and probably anti-Semitic

July 17, 2011 22:13

The racist blogger tries to salve his conscience by quoting a ridiculous proposition attributed to the good Professor but I am unable to find anywhere where he says "…a nice way to draw the distinction between boycotts of Israel and boycotts of the settlements is that the former attacks the Israeli constitution (the general structure of the state) while the latter just attacks an Israeli policy."
However he does link to one Gershom Gorenberg who provides a clear indication of the convoluted arguments the extreme left have to pursue in order to convince themselves that boycotting Jewish businesses because they happen to be on the other side of an imaginary line drawn following hostilities with the Jordanians is not racist. According to him Israel's main problem is the settlements yes that's right not the radicalized Arabs who in a proportion of 3 to 2 do not even accept the existence of a Jewish State in any part of the Middle East, nor is it the 40,000 rockets on our northern border in the hands of the Iranian backed Hezbollah not even the terrorist enclave on our southern border and not even the threat of a nuclear Iran, Israel's main problem is the 500,000 Jews living in Judea and Samaria.
However the posters on his blog give no cause for doubt one says "This is just another demonstration of the filthy nature of Zionism. Far from the noble aspirations for freedom and refuge of the Jewish people , it's true nature is merely an ancient cult of tribal existentialism which threatens the lives and freedoms of all in opposition to it's unjust and base racist designs. Israel is at war with justice and this will lead to a terrible conclusion for the Jewish people. Woe unto them that call good evil and evil good."
Yet another says
"That is why God dispersed them for 2 millinium and haven't learned their lesson yet.
they could draw a lot of lessons from the holocaust but then again the holocaust is used only when they are cornered to gain political / economic gains their crimes surpass the holocaust since 1948 the palestinian have seen their lives worsening by the hour.
God is watching make no mistakes about that."and yet another:
“the State of Israel, one of its institutions *or an area under its control*”... so, calling for a boycott of the parasites and child-molesters in Washington would also be illegal, then?
Just askin'.
Unfortunately in their haste to impose their minority view on the majority these idiots have no idea of the pandora's box of anti-Semitism they open. So no dummy the boycott of Israel attacks Jews living within the 1949 Armistice lines and a boycott of Judea and Samaria attacks Jews living beyond an imaginary line which lasted for 19 out of the last 3000 years. In either case it singles out Jews for boycott because they are Jews and is therefore racist.

July 17, 2011 22:13

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