
Can the Northern Irish be objective about the Middle East?

June 29, 2011 01:55

Jon Otway says "The nationalist communities of West Belfast understand only too well. As an occupied people they have a natural sympathy for other occupied peoples. Ergo they fly the Palestinian flag. The folks of the Shankill Road , having a natural sympathy for occupying powers,fly the Israeli flag. It's not rocket science. You don't have to decide which side you are on yet. It's not yet Armagedon. But as the man said " It's not dark yet, but it's getting there".

Jon, you're saying that so called occupied people instinctively side with the losing party in a war; so called occupiers with the victor. They cannot analyze any further. It makes no difference whether the victor fought a war of conquest, or a war of defense. At least, you're suggesting that for Northern Ireland.

June 29, 2011 01:55

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