
British Muslims for Israel

November 10, 2010 15:43

A great initiative worthy of greater publicity in my opinion.

Here at BMFI, we do not believe the Arab-Israeli conflict is a war over land or religion, but it is a clash of ideas. Israel, as a Western liberal democracy, extends equal rights to all of its citizens, regardless of religion or race. Muslims have more rights in Israel than in any other country in the Middle East.

While Egypt guns down Sudanese refugees fleeing the murderous oppression of their government, Israel gives them home and shelter; while Lebanon denies Palestinian refugees access to healthcare, Israel provides emergency treatment for the residents of the West Bank and Gaza strip; while Syria keeps the Palestinians in refugee camps and sporadically slaughters them, Israel offered full citizenship to all its Palestinians after the Arab states attempted to destroy Israel and slaughter its Holocaust survivors in 1948.

Israel undoubtedly has made some bad choices, but what other country in the region holds enquiries to censure itself? BMFI is not solely for Zionists, but it is for all those British Muslims who recognise Israel’s right to exist and believe that a peaceful solution must be achieved.

Groups such as the Palestinian Solidarity Movement, Viva Palestina, Stop the War do NOT speak for us

These groups have shown a support for Hamas, an organisation which oppresses the Palestinian people in Gaza, and whose charter calls for the murder of Jews and the promulgation of Islamist ideology - an idea that would extirpate any hope for the liberty, democracy and individual freedom that is required for peace and prosperity.

This video from a Palestinian Solidarity Campaign event is evidence of the disgusting racism that is exhibited by some of its members:

November 10, 2010 15:43

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