Not wanting to cause any alarm... don't panic... but please take a look at this video:
Islamist demonstrators (headed by the odious Anjem Choudary) shouted "Pope Benedict, you will pay, Islam is on its way", "Sharia is on its way", "Justice is on its way" (a lot is coming our way, it seems) and threatened that Sharia would be "declared" against all who insult Mohammed. They shouted to the Pope, "Watch your back," swore that he will "burn in hell" and claimed that he "deserves the death penalty."
My emotional response was fear and anger. It beggars belief that these people have the nerve to stand there shouting insulting slogans, knowing what they did in 2005 and what they support now, dressed up like terrorists, knowing full well the impact it will have on ordinary Britons. It makes me angry that the establishment, bending over backwards to protect their rights and sensibilities, do NOTHING to protect ours or those of law-abiding British Muslims who are no doubt embarrassed and ashamed by this lot.
By contrast: On the 9/11 anniversary a bunch of lads from oop norf decided it would be a good idea to burn a Quran and put the video up on Youtube. Not the smartest of things to do, and maybe not the most sensitive. But guess what happened to them? They got arrested. Double standards?
This sort of thing should not be tolerated by British society. This is not free speech, this is hatred and provocation. The State needs to develop a strategy to deal with it, and quickly. Otherwise it will lead to violence.
And to top it all I hear Ken Livingstone, defamer of Israel, poster boy for dictators and Islamists around the world, is running for election again. I fear dark days ahead for London.