
Big birthdays and guess Hoo went to Luton this weekend?

We've been celebrating with Shabbat dinner, cake, tea and more cake.

December 02, 2017 20:40

I've so much to share and no idea where to start. 

This weeked marked my Father-in-Law's 80th birthday — something well worth celebrating - and my own birthday. Not one ending in an 'o', thank goodness, but every birthday is big in my family's book. 

We surprised FIL and my Mother-in-Law (collectively 'the outlaws') for Shabbat with Mr Fresser's sis (Israeli SIL) and her teenage children. No jumping out of cupboards and shouting — at his age I'd hate to set his pulse racing too fast. Just a little shushing as he arrived at her house so he'd see us before he heard us. 

It all went very well. Israeli SIL has been living in Israel until recently, so shared Shabbats are a relatively new one for us. With the mini Fressers being so small, we've been hosting Shabbat for several years, so it was lovely to have the meal cooked for us. She's picked up plenty of yummy Sephardi secrets. I'll be nicking (and sharing) her recipes, i'm sure. 

I'm also looking forward to a bit of sisterly competitive cookery. I grew up with a Friday night dessert-off between my mother and her sister, the wonderful Auntie Mimi — a pseudonym to protect her privacy. Israeli SIL and I can definitely play that game. She's also really creative and conjured up two amazing cakes at today's tea.   We were celebrating the 80th at Luton Hoo, a very grand venue.


December 02, 2017 20:40

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