
Anti-Israel racists on the JC Website

November 24, 2016 23:05

Some bloggers on this website believe they know what anti-Semitism is - the EUMC working definition is an inconvenience and nuisance for them because so convinced are they that there is not a racist bone in their body the mere fact that holding Israel to a standard no other country is held to or calling a sizeable proportion of its citizens "scum" surely cannot be racist or so they argue. So not content with denigrating Israel they denigrate the definition and engage in verbal gymnastics in order to salve their consciences.

However they should be aware that British law recognises that national groups can be subject to racism: in Section III of the Public Order Act 1986 “racial hatred” is defined as “hatred against a group of persons in Great Britain defined by reference to colour, race, nationality (including citizenship) or ethnic or national origins.”

Whilst it may be on occasion when they attempt to delegitimise Israel they mean Israel the “state” or “country”, not the Israeli people since the name of a country is often used in place of its government in most cases it is obvious that they mean Israel, its government, people and perceived national character. Talking totally out of context about so-called "Shared values" is just one example of this.

These bloggers believe themselves to be anti-racist, but think nothing of denying to an Israeli the idea that they have a national identity. Whilst they have no problem accepting that it is possible to harbour racist views about French people, or Americans, or Nigerians, or, for that matter, Palestinians, they deny it is possible to harbour racist views about Israelis on whom it is open season.

It seems anti-Israel racism is alive and well and thriving on the JC Website.

November 24, 2016 23:05

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