1. In which time period did Eliyahu live?
a. the biblical period
b. the rabbinic period
c. the early medieval period
d. the late medieval period
e. the modern period
2. Which of these is not normally associated with havdalah?
a. a candle
b. singing
c. spices
d. wine
e. kiddush
3. Who instituted the public reading of the Torah on Mondays and Thursdays?
a. Moses
b. Joshua
c. Samuel
d. Ezra
e. King David
4. How did the Children of Israel know when to gather at the Ohel Moed (Tent of Meeting)?
a. they saw the pillar of cloud
b. they heard the sound of trumpets
c. they smelt incense burning
d. they felt an earthquake
e. they saw lightning in the sky
5. Which fast day falls a week after Chanukah?
a. Tzom Gedaliah
b. Asarah b’Tevet
c. Tishah b’Av
d. Ta’anit Esther
e. Yom Kippur
6. Which is the oldest winery in Israel?
a. Tishbi
b. Binyamin
c. Teperberg
d. Recanati
e. Dalton
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Answers 1a, 2e, 3d, 4b, 5b, 6c