Family & Education

The Etgar Challenge April 5

It's this week's Six Questions

April 6, 2020 09:15
1 min read

Find the odd one out: 
a. months in a leap year 
b. principles of faith 
c. attributes of mercy 
d. age of bamitzvah 
e. minor prophets 

2. How many generations were there from Adam to Abraham? 
a. 70 
b. 20 
c. 10 
d. five 
e. four 

3. In which sidrah does the Crossing of the Red Sea appear? 
a. Bo 
b. Beshallach 
c. Yitro 
d. Tzav 
e. Korach 

4. Looking at tzitzit
should remind us that: 
a. We came of out Mitzrayim 
b. Hashem created the world
c. We must keep all the mitzvot 
d. Amalek wanted to destroy us 
e. The Land of Israel is very specialto us 

5. Which of the following was a son of Aharon? 
a. Yehoshua 
b. Pinchas 
c. Gershom 
d. Itamar 
e. Nachshon 

6. Which record-breaking Israeli grown vegetable features in the Guinness Book of Records?
a. carrot 
b. cucumber 
c. tomato 
d. pepper 
e. mushroom 

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 Answers: 1e (12, the others are all 13), 2b, 3b, 4c, 5d, 6d