Family & Education

New York tour inspires European group


The European Centre for Jewish Students ran its first trans-Atlantic trip with a five-day educational tour to New York.

More than 150 students from 22 European countries took part, learning about Jewish life in the Big Apple.

They met Sarri Singer, daughter of New Jersey Senator Robert Singer. She spoke of her experience of surviving a terrorist attack in Israel and how living under constant threat affects a society.

Rabbi Ari Hier from the Simon Wiesenthal Centre presented the film Against the Tide, documenting American reactions to the Holocaust.

The visit also took in attractions such as Times Square, the Statue of Liberty and Ground Zero.

Rabbi Zev Ives, ECJS executive director, said: "It is very important for European Jews to visit America. Here they can see Jews who openly display their identity whether by wearing jewellery with Jewish symbols, kippot or other religious clothing."

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