Family & Education

Etgar Challenge February 1

Start the week with our Jewish knowledge quiz


1.    Which was the first nation to attack the Jewish people after they crossed the Yam Suf (Sea of Reeds)?
a.    Mitzrayim
b.    Moav
c.    Midian
d.    Bashan
e.    Amalek

2.    My son took the Jewish people into Israel. Who am I?
a.    Amram
b.    Moshe
c.    Yehoshua
d.    Elazar
e.    Nun

3.    In which countries were the two versions of the Talmud written?
a.    Iran and Israel
b.    Persia and Israel
c.    Spain and Egypt
d.    Iraq and Persia
e.    Iraq and Israel

4.    Find the odd one out:
a.    weeks of the Omer
b.    species of the Land of Israel
c.    garments of the High Priest
d.    laws of Noach
e.    aliyot on Shabbat

5.    Rabbeinu Tam was one of the...
a.    Tannaim
b.    Amoraim
c.    Geonim
d.    Rishonim
e.    Acharonim

6.    Who said this: “In Israel, to be a realist you must believe in miracles”?
a.    Chaim Weizmann
b.    Harry Truman
c.    David Ben Gurion
d.    Natan Sharansky
e.    Clement Attlee

Drag your mouse over the area below to reveal the answers

 Answers: 1e, 2e,  3e, 4c(all have seven except for the eight garments of the High Priest), 5d, 6c

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