
How the UK is marking Holocaust Memorial Day

The JC looks at some of the different events taking place on and around 27 January

January 18, 2024 14:38
Marking Holocaust Memorial Day (Photo: Holocaust Centre North)
Never again: Marking Holocaust Memorial Day (Photo: Holocaust Centre North)
1 min read
  • I Say British, You Say Jewish

Image of an Amy Winehouse doll from the I Say British, You Say Jewish exhibition (Photo: The Holocaust Centre and Museum)[Missing Credit]

This cutting-edge travelling exhibition explores what it means to be both Jewish and British. It invites the Jewish community, but particularly the wider community, to examine the myths and realities of this dual identity — the many wonderful, curious and sometimes amusing pluralities of being British and Jewish.

Run by the National Holocaust Centre and Museum and academics from the University of Nottingham in partnership with the Jewish Museum London.

Outside Hampstead Theatre, Eton Avenue, London NW3 3EU

Open now until 19 January:  1-7pm 

Manchester Jewish Museum, 190 Cheetham Hill Road, Cheetham Hill, Manchester M8 8LW

Opening times

22 - 27 January:  10am - 4pm

28 January:  12 - 3.30pm

Other locations and dates to be confirmed.

Go to for details.

Holocaust Centre North Presents an Evening of Commemoration

Marking the 79th anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz and Holocaust Memorial Day, Holocaust Centre North is holding an Evening of Commemoration at its base at the University of Huddersfield.

This annual event is dedicated to Holocaust remembrance and will bring together survivors, their families, community groups, local schools, the University of Huddersfield and Holocaust Centre North’s team and volunteers to collectively remember the six million Jews killed in the Holocaust and others who suffered under Nazi persecution.

The event host Dieudonne Manirakiza will share his experiences of working in Rwanda after the genocide in 1994.

23 January


Tickets, which are free, must be booked in advance at:

Donations are welcome.

Expelled! ‘Polenaktion’ (so-called “Polish Action”) 1938 exhibition

Erwin Zimet and other teachers in the camp Zbaszyn, Zbaszyn (Poland) approx. November 1938 - March 1939; Jewish Museum Berlin, accession 2004/140/190, gift of Lilli Gehr Zimet.[Missing Credit]

This exhibition dramatically chronicles the time in Germany when 17,000 Jews were suddenly deported to Poland. The exhibtion is being brought over from Berlin by the Edinburgh Interfaith Association and the Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany.

24 January - 2 February

10am to 4pm daily

Chaplaincy Auditorium at the University of Edinburgh Chaplaincy Centre at Bristo Square.

Free entry

To request a group tour please contact

The Epping Forest Holocaust Educational Committee Memorial Service

26 January


For details of the location, email: Richard Cohen at