Rabbi Daniel Fine
Gratitude is next to Godliness
Why saying thank you is the theme of Seed’s Clean Speech campaign next month
Are children encouraged enough to be creative?
Cultivating creativity in school is indispensible for later life
Let’s Talk Schools: we can’t outsource all Jewish education to schools
Parents should consider themselves as partners with schools in educating Jewish children
Let’s talk schools: how to choose the school that’s best for your child
Positive social influences may be more desirable than academic results
Let’s talk schools: how to make the best of parents’ evening
It is important to try to build a rapport with your child’s teachers
Let’s talk schools: Exams are a burden that our children don’t need
Present system is out of date and needs an overhaul. Urgently.
Parashah of the week: Ha'azinu
“Make My teaching drop like rain, my sayings should flow like dew” Deuteronomy 32:2
Let’s talk schools: How do you measure success in a Jewish classroom?
The most important things in life can't be graded
Parashah of the week: Shoftim
“And you should prepare the way, divide into three parts…and it shall be for murderers to flee” Deuteronomy 19:3
Parashah of the week: Mattot-Massei
These are the decrees that God commanded Moses between a man and wife, a father and daughter” Numbers 30:7
Parashah of the week: Beha'alotecha
“And the people who were impure and unable to offer the Pesach offering that day approached Moses” Numbers 9:6
Parashah of the week: Emor
“These are the festivals (mo’adim) of Hashem” Numbers 23:2
Parashah of the week: Tzav
“Behold I am sending to you Elijah the Prophet before the day of Hashem, the great and awesome. And He will return in repentance the hearts of parents to children and children to parents” Malachi 4:23-24
Parashah of the week: Terumah
“You should construct for Me a sanctuary and I shall dwell within them” Exodus 25:8
Parashah of the week: Va'era
“Therefore tell the Jewish people, ‘I am Hashem and I will take you out of Egypt’” Exodus 6:6
Parashah of the week: Vayeshev
Let us sell him” Genesis 37:27
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