Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer said he disagreed with the ruling
By Lorin Bell-Cross
The Prime Minister also faced questions over the use of taxpayer money to fund UNRWA
Meet the vocal minority of Jews supporting the upstart party
Following a Limmud panel discussion warning against falling into the ‘honeytrap’ of right-wing populism, Jewish members of Reform UK penned the joint letter below to the JC
By JC Reporter
Reversal was welcomed by UKLFI and Board of Deputies
The former Conservative home secretary said her husband and her had ‘respect for each other’s independence’
Bank spokesperson said the incident was an administrative error
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Angela Carter-Begbie claimed the way vaccinated people treated the unvaccinated resembled the Shoah
By Felix Pope
Ian Gribbin apologised on Monday for online posts he made in 2022 saying the UK would have benefited from accepting Hitler’s offer of neutrality
Two candidates ditched by UK party for allegedly racist social media posts
By Jane Prinsley