Everyone will love these cute, star-shaped treats packed with spiced, fruity jam
By Trevennon Dakota
No one would guess the secret ingredient in these delicious dumplings
By Shiri Kraus
We’ve got one for everyone: from jam-filled favourites and Sephardi sfenj to gluten free and vegan bakes
By Victoria Prever
These doughnuts are a favourite for Sephardim over Chanukah
By leah koenig
A zingy and zesty treat that's perfect for your celebrations
By Emily Scott
Vegans can have their cake and eat it too this Chanukah
By shannon martinez
Everyone of these must-try recipes is a winner
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Switch up your Chanukah doughnuts for these delicious square-shaped, fluffy treats
By Liberty Mendez
Light and lovely - the perfect festive treat
By Becky Excell
Put the season's most fasnionable gadget to good use with these Chanukah treats
By Fabienne Viner-Luzzato
Cute mouthfuls of deliciousness
By Jane Dunn
Make it Middle Eastern this Chanukah
By Amir Batito
A former Great British Bake Off contestant shares these perfect for Chanukah pastries
By Jurgen Krauss
Perfect when you cannot face frying - and deliciously dairy free
By Denise Phillips
Who could resist a bunch of these mini doughnuts?
Who could resist this classic combination?
By Claire Thomson