
Baby death 'not caused by circumcision"

September 9, 2009 11:42
Prof Peter Fleming

ByRobyn Rosen, Robyn Rosen

1 min read

Britain's leading expert on cot death, Professor Peter Fleming, has declared that Amitai Moshe did not die as a result of having had a circumcision.

Giving evidence today, at Hornsey Coroners Court Professor Fleming was question by Jonathan Goldberg QC. Mr Goldberg said: "We can rule out the fact that the circumcision caused the death?"

Professor Fleming replied: "Yes, that is my view."

Amitai Moshe died in February 2007 eight days after his brit milah was performed at Golders Green Synagogue in north London.

This week, coroner Andrew Walker has been hearing evidence from medical experts and ambulance officers about the circumstances of the baby's death.

Among those giving evidence were volunteers of the strictly Orthdox ambulance service Hatzola, who were criticised by the baby's parents over the treatment they were able to give.

Hatzola officers confirmed today that as a result of the baby's death they have reviewed both the training given to volunteers and the kind of equipment carried in their ambulances.

The inquest continues.