The Jewish Chronicle

Stop the carping, urges JLC leader

September 23, 2014 10:36

ByMarcus Dysch, Marcus Dysch

1 min read

Communal leaders will do more to support grassroots activists who tackle antisemitism and support Israel, Jewish Leadership Council chairman Mick Davis has promised.

Writing in today's JC, Mr Davis praised the efforts of new groups and said the challenge facing British Jews "requires new leaders as well as old".

He said the JLC and its members would create a support network for activists and provide funding, training, legal advice and "world-class social media organisation".

Addressing criticism of communal leaders in the wake of the Gaza conflict, Mr Davis wrote: "I accept that we have not done all that we might but we have done much that has not been visible."

But urging a unified approach to tackling problems, he said: "We cannot afford the dissipation of energy that comes from carping criticism of others and exclusion of those with whom we disagree."

Mr Davis, who came top of the JC's Power 100 list of influential community figures earlier this month, said he was developing plans which he hoped would "connect the power of the organised community with the innovation and drive of the grassroots".