
Fantastically fruity fig tart

Super simple and parev (or milky) – what’s not to love about this lower sugar, fig-filled dessert

August 29, 2013 11:08
Photo: Paul Viner
Photo: Paul Viner

This delicate fig tart is easy to make and will keep easily for two or three days; use a reduced sugar fig jam to keep the perfect balance between the sweetness and the sharpness of the fruit.

Serves: 6 to 8
Preparation: 25 minutes
Cooking: 30-40 minutes+

225g plain flour
125g margarine or butter softened
75g caster sugar
1 egg
200g reduced sugar fig jam
12 figs washed, quartered


  • Mix the margarine or butter, the sugar, and the flour together to make a dough.
  • Don’t work the dough for too long.
  • Flatten with a rolling pin on a floured surface.
  • Push into a 22-24cm/9-inch tart dish and cut off the excess dough with a knife.
  • Line the pastry with baking paper and baking beans and blind bake the base until golden and the edges brown for 15-20 minutes at 160°C.
  • Remove the beans and baking parchment and add the fig jam evenly on the tart base and then lay the quartered fruit on top — alternate the inside and the outside of the fig to create a pattern.
  • Cook for a further 15 minutes at 160°C.
  • Eat warm or cold as it is or with vanilla, or parev, ice cream.
