Stephen Pollard

ByStephen Pollard, Stephen Pollard


Obama v McCain?

January 5, 2008 24:00
1 min read

Martin Kettle's piece on Iowa is well worth a read:...[T]he 2008 election may yet be a watershed. If it takes the form of a Clinton-Giuliani contest it will simply intensify the toxic cycle of the past 40 years and all the demeaning Ann Coulter-Michael Moore stuff that it spawns. But if it takes a less traditionally partisan form, especially in the form of a now not inconceivable Obama-McCain contest, American politics may at last be able to wrench itself out of the destructive confrontationism of the recent past.BTW, I never fail to be awed by the mindest of CiF commenters. This gem after the piece is typical:This is all a farce. Hillary Clinton will be the next President and was chosen by those who matter some time ago. Ask yourself why she moved to New York, who her backers are and why she was for the war on Iraq, is for its continuation and why she'd be happy to bomb Iran. She's the best Republican candidate and even the Democrats will come to like her. Or this charming comment: It's the American electorate that scares me. Not only because Obama's blackness and Hillary's being female being presented as problems indicates that racism and misogyny are still prevalent in that militaristic, Bible-ridden country either...Americans won't vote for anything enlightened, rational, humane or compassionate.