Stephen Pollard

ByStephen Pollard, Stephen Pollard


Obama, Iran, Netanyahu and the deal

August 28, 2009 12:41
1 min read

Fascinating piece by the estimable Aluf Benn in today's Haaretz. Here's the gist:

After stripping the expected rhetorical flourishes
from Obama's gesture - the talk of peace and quotations from the Koran
- its strategic purpose is laid bare: the formation of a regional
coalition against Iran, led by the United States and with the
participation of Israel, the Palestinian Authority, Egypt, Jordan,
Morocco, Saudi Arabia and the small Gulf states. Every member will have
to contribute something: the United States, the diplomatic cover and
the military umbrella; Israel, the removal of checkpoints and a freeze
on building in West Bank settlements; the PA, the renewal of the peace
talks; Egypt and Saudi Arabia, intra-Arab legitimacy; while the Gulf
and Maghreb states are to agree to an Israeli diplomatic presence on
their soil and overflights by El Al Israel Airlines in their skies. The
discussion is about the details - the scope of the construction freeze
and the normalization - not the essence.