The lead letter in last Thursday’s Guardian attacked our probing of Jeremy Corbyn’s links to Islamists and other unsavoury characters. It suggested that “influential sections of the Jewish community, maybe guided by their Israeli contacts, are frightened that a notable critic of Israel’s policies and actions might attain a position of prominence in British politics.” The JC made a formal complaint to the paper in response, pointing out that the idea that Jews are guided by a foreign power is one of the oldest and most explicit antisemitic themes, and that not one of our stories even mentioned Israel. The Guardian’s “readers editor” replied : “I do not accept that the wording of this letter evokes, deliberately or otherwise, the anti-semitic slur that you see in it.” The reply is not remotely surprising, given that the Guardian happily publishes articles by, and fawning profiles of, Islamists and Jew-haters. Ironically, Wednesday’s Guardian contained a piece by its columnist Owen Jones, which concluded that “the left should seize any opportunity to confront the cancer of antisemitism and eradicate it for good.” It would be a start if the Guardian itself stopped publishing, and then defending, blatant antisemitism.