
I'll do as Pret does, and boycott Pret!

January 23, 2008 24:00
1 min read

Via Samizdata, it seems Pret a Manger has a pretty unpleasant agenda.

Pret appears to believe in a crude form of protrectionism: Wherever possible we buy British. Pret thus believes in keeping wealth in the hands of those already wealthy.

It's through trade and prosperity that the poor escape poverty. Pret wants to shut that door and keep the poor in their place.

And to make it worse, they dress it up in all sorts of posturing drivel:

They are, of course, free to decide from whom to buy their supplies - just as I am free to decide whether to buy their products.

And since Pret makes an active decision to boycott developing world farmers, I'm going to make an active decision to boycott Pret.