I'd be tempted to ignore Neil Clark's latest bit of Neil Clarkery, were it not for the fact that he alleges that I am guilty of "criminal harassment" of him. His 'evidence' is that he has found some critical anonymous comments left on various blogs, and that one of the sites they often link to is mine. Thus, he concludes, I am one of the anonymous posters.
Given the astonishing stupidity he evinces in his writings it's perhaps not that surprising that he should draw such a baseless conclusion. Reality is an alien concept in Clark's world, in which two plus two no doubt equals five. That presumably is how he can assert that Slobodan Milosevic is a humanitarian hero.
Maybe - duh - the fact that I regularly attack Clark's views is the reason why other people cite my site when writing about him.
I repeat: I have not left, nor would I ever leave, an anonymous comment, let alone a malicious one, on his or anyone else's site.
Clark also writes that "Kamm, his neo-con pal Stephen Pollard and their mysterious pseudonymous associates have done all they could to smear me, with emails, repeating Kamm's libellous allegations, being sent to editors who commission my work."
This also is, needless to say, utter bilge. I have never sent an email or letter to any editor in regard to Clark's work. I attack him regularly on this site, because I think he has disgusting views and deserves as thorough a verbal kicking as it is possible to give him. And I will carry on doing just that, even if his response is to accuse me of being a criminal.