Become a Lannister, Stark, Targaryen, or Baratheon and make your move for the Iron Throne in the dramatic, deadly world of Westeros.
For Game of Thrones fans in Tel Aviv, this dream will become a reality when an interactive exhibition of the HBO adaptation arrives in the city during Pesach, from April 5 - 9.
Enthusiasts will be asked to choose their house allegiance before entering the exhibit, which features props, costumes, a life-size replica White Walker and a chance to sit on the infamous Iron Throne.
Visitors can also enter Castle Black through a real winch elevator, before donning a virtual reality headset to scale the 700 feet of ice which make up the Wall.
The exhibition tour will also visit London, Stockholm, Madrid, Berlin, Paris and Amsterdam to celebrate the fifth season of the hugely popular TV show, premiering in the UK on April 13.
Just remember: when you visit the game of thrones exhibit, you win or you die.