Fears rise for yeshivah teacher swept out into the Atlantic Ocean while trying to rescue his student

Rabbi Reuven Bauman was helping a student struggling in the water during a camping trip

July 12, 2019 12:09
Rabbi Reuven Bauman was swept out to sea on Tuesday
1 min read

Jewish agencies are among local groups still searching for an American rabbi who was swept out to sea in strong currents while trying to rescue one of his students.

Reuven Bauman spotted the pupil struggling in the water during a camping trip by the Atlantic Ocean on Virginia Beach.

The 13-year-old boy safely emerged from the water, Yeshiva World reported, but Rabbi Bauman has still not been found.

He teaches at the Toras Chaim yeshivah in Portsmouth, Virginia.

The US coastguard announced on Thursday that it was calling off its search after searching 347 square miles, but local Jewish groups said they would continue to look.

“We never make the decision to suspend lightly and in this particular case, it’s especially difficult,” said coastguard commander Kevin Carroll.

“We share our deepest sympathies with the family of a man who risked his own life to save another.”

Baltimore Shomrim was among the organisations saying its volunteers were on the scene to join officials in the search efforts.

“We definitely are a people of faith and all the people that I’ve interacted with have not given up hope,” local rabbi Gavriel Rudin told news station WTKR News 3.

“We know the chances are slim but no one has given up hope and that’s why we’re still praying and that’s one of the reasons why these efforts are still going on.”

A crowdfund initiative for Rabbi Bauman’s family had raised nearly $100,000 (£79,700) as ofFriday afternoon.