
Jacob makes it a family fifth in Birmingham

Jacob Davis is the last of the five siblings to be bar- or batmitzvah at Birmingham Progressive Synagogue

November 5, 2021 11:28
Five Davis siblings
1 min read

Jacob Davis was barmitzvah at Birmingham Progressive Synagogue, the fifth and final sibling in his family to come of age within the Midlands community.

The shul’s Rabbi Dr Margaret Jacobi conducted the service, as she had done for Jacob’s sister Ilana and brothers Benjamin, Joseph and Joshua over a 12-year period.

Jacob should have been barmitzvah last year but the ceremony was postponed because of pandemic restrictions.

Rabbi Jacobi complimented him on the way he had taught himself his portion, taking the task in his stride.

“It is the first time I have conducted [bar/batmitzvah] services for five children of the same family, a rare delight for any rabbi.

“All of them made their mark in very different ways but the constant was the encouragement and support of their parents and siblings.

“Like the Maccabees who, too, were five siblings, the Davises are a close family who respect, value and care for each other — with each one having their own special gift.”

The ceremony ended with BPS president Frank Maxwell congratulating the celebrant and presenting him with a commemorative certificate.