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Call for Jewish day school curbs

January 6, 2011 13:37
Musicians perform at the open mic night of the Limmud conference, held at Warwick University last week

BySimon Rocker, Simon Rocker

1 min read

One of British Jewry's top educators has said it is too preoccupied with Jewish day schools at the expense of other types of learning.

Clive Lawton, senior consultant of Limmud and a former head of King David High School, Liverpool, called for greater investment in youth movements and adult education.

"The feeling that if we get every Jewish child into a Jewish school then everything will be fine is woefully uninformed," he said. "It's been decided that schools are the way forward, but we're neglecting other solutions. Evidence exists that youth movements are compelling and motivating media to get young people to be committed. But it's fairly clear that the increasing number of Jewish schools has led to
a deterioration of youth movements."

Although not objecting to day schools, he said young people are "capable of leaving behind what they learn when they leave school".