ByDanny Caro, Danny Caro
Richard Fogelman edged clear again at the top of the MGBSFL goals leaderboard after leading the comeback against Faithfold C, against his nearest challenger.
12 – Richard Fogelman (L’Equipe)
10 Dan Gordon (Faithfold C)
7 - Jamie Kent (Shirley), Mitch Hahn (Woodford), James Joseph (FC Team C)
6 – Richard Salmon (FC Team A)
Ben Zloof (AC Mill Hill)
5 - Mike Pearson (Faithfold A)
Yishai Last (Hendon A)
Richard Salmon (FC Team A)
Dave Newman (SPEC FC)
Harrison Midda (Woodford)
Ben Bell (Bilbaum)
Jake Gilbert (Bilbaum)
Shim Bensoor (FC Team C)
4 – Greg Corin, Ben Kon (both Hendon A)
Michael Kenley (Brady)
Avidan Last (Hendon A)
Steve Summers (Chigwell)
Alon Hershkorn (Brixton)
Reiss Mogilner (Brady B)
James Joseph, Shim Bensoor (both FC Team C)
Ben Bell (Bilbaum)
Jake Gilbert (Bilbaum)
Steven Black (L’Equipe)
Ben Berrick (Jewdinese)
Philippe Auret (Whetstone)
Alex Elf (Hendon C)
3 - Bobby Cousins (Oakwood A)
Jonny Haik (Faithfold A)
Ari Last (Hendon A)
Rob Hershkorn (Camden)
Dan Pike, Dave Newman (both SPEC FC)
Ali Aquilina (Brixton)
Ryan Cole (Chigwell)
RA Noe (Hendon B)
Gideon Gold (Shirley)
Stefan Benfredj (Shirley)
Ed Green (Bilbaum)
Dan Simmons (Blizzard)
Jeremy Julius (FC Team C)
Nicky Woolf (Raiders B)
Nathan Sollosi (Redbridge B)
Alex Elf (Hendon C)
Barry Green (Loughton)
Benji Greenblatt (King Crown)
Joel Isaacs, Yonni Bord (both Catford)
Zack Collins (Jewdinese)
2 – Daryl Phillips (Faithfold A)
Jonny Breger, Simon Peterman (both FC Team A)
Josh Bentley, Alex Koslover, Brad Wine (all Oakwood A)
Matt Stock (Raiders A)
Saul Conway (Shirley)
Michael Field, Dan Orgel, Shai Davidi (all Neasden)
Marc Cohen, Ricky Rinder, Samuel Castle (both Harmen)
Daniel Raphael, Rob Hershkorn (both Brixton)
Mitch Hahn (Woodford)
Jono Gaon (Blancos)
Daniel Garfinkel, Gav Noe (Hendon B)
Nicky Woolf, Andrew McMaster, Gilad Kestenbaum (all Raiders B)
Daniel Garfinkel, Gav Noe (both Hendon B)
David James Cohen (FC Team C)
Ben Loftman, Leor Harel (both Faithfold B)
Oli Joseph (Haroldeans)
Mitch Lassman, Paul Savitz (both FC Team B)
Jason Shofmann (AC Mill Hill)
Sam Sollosi (Redbridge B)
Haydon Davidson, Charlie Cohen (both Oakwood)
Alex Olcot (Mill Hill)
Jordan Sapler (Redbridge B)
Daniel Elghanian, Benji Greenblatt (King Crown)
Nick Roman, Stefan Simons, Ben Simons (all Faithfold C)
Eli Baraty, Jamie Sinai (both Catford)
Jules Bohm, Josh Kaye (both L’Equipe)
Zac Brin (Jewdinese)
Dan Shafron (Loughton)
Oli Nathan (Raiders C)
Jonah Gordon-Boyd (Whetstone)
Adam Glekin, Ezra Dulberg (both Hendon C)
Kane Alexander (Boca)
Jamie Weinrich (Raiders C)
1 – David Dinkin, David Rhodes, Adam Jason, Ethan Zone, Jonny Kay, Josh Pistol (all NL Raiders A)
Alex Rosenthal, Jacob Gold, Danny Kon, Avi Korman, Rafi Kon (all Hendon A)
Alex Kaye, Dan Stock, Dan Howard (all Faithfold A)
Brad Sharp, Jonny Ellis, Richard Baum, Sam Monjack (all Brady A)
Adam Rones, Dec Selbo, Mitch Young (all FC Team A)
Josh Bentley, Alex Koslover (both Oakwood A)
Danny Daggers (LML)
Mike Khalastchi, Richard Silver, Yossi Lanning (all Camden)
Adam Hakimi (both Redbridge A)
Scott Kay (Neasden)
Dave Ronson, Dean Rosenthal (Brixton)
Ben Nassim (Shirley Park)
Martin Smulovitch, Avi Markieweicz (both Hendon B)
Henry Ziff, Richard Winton, Dan Harrod, Jimmy Winton, Richard Winton, Simon Moses (all Brady B)
Craig Sandford, Dan Castle, Paul Lenchner, Dean Ben Yosef, Brad Gayer (all Chigwell)
Lee Greenfield, Oliver Leslie, Ben Weinberg (all Southgate Harmen)
Alon Hershkorn, Dean Rosenthal, Daniel Raphael (all Brixton)
Joel Kutner, Adam Waters, Josh Gaon, Yaakov Suissa, Adam Hersh (all Blancos)
James Lesner, Craig Cohen (both SPEC)
Joe Sumry, Elliot Gold (all Woodford)
Shai Davidi (Neasden)
James Abrams (Haroldeans)
Adam Speck, Dan Vandermolen, Michael Wolfe, Dean Shaw, Louis Taylor, Stuart Muller (all Blizzard)
Ben Binder, Dan Wright, Jordan Sapler, Darren Brown, Adam Goldman (all Redbridge B)
David Joseph Cohen, Sam Collins, Andrew Hurwitz (all FC Team C)
Josh Flax, Jack Bookatz, Sam Roth, Zak Presky, Adam Bier (all Bilbaum)
Eddie Sternberg, Freddie Marks, Jonathan Franks, Matt Davis (all FC Team B)
Andrew McMaster, Raffi Addlestone, Gilad Kestenbaum, Rob Samuelson, David Esterkin, Danny Bloom, Simon Buchler (all Raiders B)
Eddie Manson, Dan Rose, Marc Hyamson, Rafi Bloom, Vic Librae (all Oakwood B)
Jonny Horwitz, James Levy, Mark Truman, Josh Hantman (all Mill Hill)
Matty Kleinman, Ben Rosenblatt (both Faithfold B),
Dan Polak, Nick Haringman, Alex Goodman, Liam Stein (all Raiders C)
Jonathan Nesbitt Ezra Dulberg, Ben Glekin, Adam Glekin, Ben David (all Hendon C)
James Ross, (Jewdinese)
Adam Conway, James Lester (both Loughton)
Lewis Maleh, Jeremy Teacher (all Faithfold C)
Matt Leader, Dave Sawyer, Darren Zitren (all Temple Fortune)
Dan Ezra, Yoshua Silverman (both Boca)
David Prager (L’Equipe)
Alex Wolffenden, Aaron Benjamin, Dan Cohen (all AC Whetstone)
Gary Hill, Gary Conway (both Catford)
Ben Glekin, David Elf (both Hendon C)
6 - Richard Salmon (FC Team A)
5 – Mike Pearson (Faithfold A), Yishai Last (Hendon A),
4 - Greg Corin, Ben Kon (both Hendon A)
Michael Kenley (Brady), Avidan Last (Hendon)
3 - Bobby Cousins (Oakwood A), Matt Stock (Raiders), Rob Hershkorn (Camden)
Ari Last (Hendon A)
2 - Daryl Phillips (Faithfold A)
Josh Bentley, Alex Koslover, Brad Wine (all Oakwood A)
Jonny Breger, Simon Peterman (both FC Team A)
Michael Kenley (Brady)
Adam Jason (Raiders A)
Adam Stolerman, Adam Hakimi (both Redbridge A)
1 – David Dinkin, David Rhodes, Ethan Zone, Jonny Kay, Josh Pistol, Jamie Wolfson (all NL Raiders A)
Alex Rosenthal (Hendon A)
Jacob Gold, Danny Kon, Avi Korman, Rafi Kon (all Hendon A)
Alex Kaye, Dan Stock, Dan Howard (all Faithfold A)
Brad Sharp, Jonny Ellis, Richard Baum, Sam Monjack (all Brady A)
Adam Rones, Dec Selbo, Mitch Young (all FC Team A)
Dan Ash, Sam Jacobson (both Oakwood A)
Danny Daggers (LML)
Mike Khalastchi, Richard Silver, Yossi Lanning (all Camden)
7 - Jamie Kent (Shirley Park), Mitch Hahn (Woodford)
5 - Dave Newman (SPEC FC), Harrison Midda (Woodford)
4 - Ali Aquilina, Alon Hershkorn (both Brixton)
Steve Summers (Chigwell)
Reiss Mogilner (Brady B)
3 - Gideon Gold (Shirley), Stefan Benfredj (Shirley)
Dan Pike (SPEC FC)
Ryan Cole (Chigwell)
RA Noe (Hendon B)
2 - Saul Conway (Shirley Park)
Michael Field, Dan Orgel, Shai Davidi (all Neasden)
Chaim Gothold (Hendon B)
Marc Cohen, Ricky Rinder, Samuel Castle (all Harmen)
Daniel Raphael (Brixton)
Daniel Garfinkel, Gav Noe (both Hendon B)
Jono Gaon (Blancos)
1 – Scott Kay (Neasden), Dave Ronson, Dean Rosenthal (all Brixton)
Henry Ziff, Jimmy Winton, Dan Harrod, Josh Newman, Simon Moses, Richard Winton (all Brady B)
Craig Sandford, Craig Pearl, Dan Castle, Paul Lenchner, Dean Ben Yosef, Brad Gayer (all Chigwell) Lee Greenfield, Oliver Leslie, Ben Weinberg (all Southgate Harmen)
Joel Kutner, Adam Waters, Josh Gaon, Yaakov Suissa, Adam Hersh (all Blancos)
James Lesner, Craig Cohen (both SPEC)
Martin Smulovitch, Avi Markieweicz (both Hendon B)
Paul Billar, Joe Sumry, Elliot Gold (all Woodford)
7 - James Joseph (FC Team C)
6 - Ben Zloof (AC Mill Hill)
5 - Dan Simmons (Blizzard)
Ben Bell, Jake Gilbert (both Bilbaum)
Shim Bensoor (FC Team C)
3 - Ed Green (Bilbaum), Jeremy Julius (FC Team C), Nicky Woolf (Raiders B)
Nathan Sollosi (Redbridge B)
2 – David James Cohen (FC Team C)
Ben Loftman, Leor Harel (both Faithfold B)
Mitch Lassman, Paul Savitz (both FC Team B)
Jason Shofmann (AC Mill Hill)
Oli Joseph (Haroldeans)
Haydon Davidson, Charlie Cohen (both Oakwood)
Alex Olcot (Mill Hill)
Jordan Sapler (Redbridge B)
1 – James Abrams (Haroldeans)
Adam Speck, Dan Vandermolen, Michael Wolfe, Dean Shaw, Louis Taylor, Stuart Muller (all Blizzard)
Ben Binder, Sam Sollosi, Darren Brown, Adam Goldman (all Redbridge B)
Andrew Hurwitz, David Joseph Cohen (all FC Team C)
Eddie Sternberg, Freddie Marks, Jonathan Franks, Matt Davis (FC Team B)
Raffi Addlestone, Rob Samuelson, Sam Isaacs, David Esterkin, Danny Bloom, Simon Buchler (all Raiders B)
Josh Flax, Jack Bookatz, Sam Roth, Zak Presky, Adam Bier (all Bilbaum)
Jonny Horwitz, James Levy, Mark Truman, Josh Hantman (all Mill Hill)
Eddie Manson, Dan Rose, Marc Hyamson, Rafi Bloom, Vic Librae (all Oakwood B)
Matty Kleinman, Ben Rosenblatt (both Faithfold B)
12 – Richard Fogelman (L’Equipe)
10 Dan Gordon (Faithfold C)
4 – Steven Black (L’Equipe), Ben Berrick (Jewdinese), Philippe Auret (Whetstone), Alex Elf (Hendon C)
3 – Joel Isaacs, Yonni Bord (both Catford), Barry Green (Loughton)
Benji Greenblatt (King Crown)
Zack Collins (Jewdinese)
2 - Daniel Elghanian (King Crown)
Nick Roman, Stefan Simons, Ben Simons (all Faithfold C)
Eli Baraty, Jamie Sinai (all Catford)
Jules Bohm, Josh Kaye (both L’Equipe)
Zac Brin (Jewdinese)
Dan Shafron (Loughton)
Oli Nathan (Raiders C)
Jonah Gordon-Boyd, Dan Cohen (both Whetstone)
Adam Glekin, Ezra Dulberg (both Hendon C)
Kane Alexander (Boca)
Daniel Cohen (King Crown)
1 - Dan Polak, Nick Haringman, Alex Goodman, Liam Stein (all Raiders C)
Jonathan Nesbitt, Ben David, Ben Glekin, David Elf (all Hendon C)
James Ross (Jewdinese)
Adam Conway, James Lester (both Loughton)
Lewis Maleh, Jeremy Teacher (both Faithfold C)
Matt Leader, Dave Sawyer, Darren Zitren (all Temple Fortune)
Dan Ezra, Yoshua Silverman (both Boca)
David Prager (L’Equipe)
Alex Wolffenden, Aaron Benjamin (AC Whetstone)
Gary Hill, Gary Conway (both Catford)
2 - Richard Fogelman (L’Equipe)
1 – Yishai Last (Hendon A), Ben Kon (Hendon A), Greg Corin (Hendon A), Bobby Cousins (Oakwood A), Richard Salmon (FC Team A), Jamie Kent (Shirley Park), Dan Pike (SPEC FC), Mitch Hahn (Woodford), Ali Aquilina (Brixton), Steve Summers (Chigwell), Ben Zloof (AC Mill Hill), Jake Gilbert (Bilbaum), James Joseph (FC Team C), Joel Isaacs (Catford & Bromley), Steven Black (L'Equipe), Dan Gordon (Faithfold C), Barry Green (Loughton Orient)