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The goal of the Zionist movement is very similar to that of the New World Order conspiracy known as the Illuminati that some believe is behind many of the activities related to the current 2012 London Olympics.
It is said that a small but very powerful Zionist group, has a place in the Illuminati inner circle powers. Their aim is to create a single government that could control all aspects of the global population.
According to Icke and Springmeier, thinkers of conspiracy, the secret powerful Zionist investors already dictate world economic and food policies, controlling presidents and prime ministers and manipulate young generations of people through music, movie and sports entertainments.
Conspiracy researchers believe that pro-Israeli lobbies and Illuminati powers take a liking to clues and symbols.
What PressTV fails to explain is why - if the Olympics was under the thumb of the World Zionist Conspiracy - Israel failed to win a single medal ...