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Lib Dem: Organs found in London Synagogue

February 15, 2010 09:44
1 min read

Lib Dem Peer Jenny Tonge has called for an independent enquiry into the discovery of two Hammond organs in a North London synagogue.

Baroness Tonge praised the contribution of Jewish singers to the pop culture of the UK 'We welcome the contribution the recent pop idol popette whatshername and one hit wonder Amy Winehouse have made to the musical richness of this country'. But following a report in The Guardian Media Section that two hammond organs were found in a London Synagogue Tonge continued 'this is a slur on the entire Jewish community and I believe that an independent enquiry would tackle the concerns of the community'.

The Guardian report went on to claim that the entire synagogue stood, hands linked, singing a rendition of 'Morning has Broken' accompanied by the hammond organs.

A spokesman for the Board of Deputies, Mark Frazer, read a statement. 'This is a damning slur', said he, 'never would the Board of Deputies countenance the singing of Morning has Broken, a song popularised in the 70s by Cat Stevens who is now, actually, a MUSLIM.