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Seasonal eating: Reach for the festival road map

Amelia Saltsman says the Jewish cooking calendar provides a perfect guide for modern eating trends

December 15, 2015 12:41
Saltsman shops locally to her California home

ByVictoria Prever, Victoria Prever

4 min read

Seasonal eating has been a big trend in recent years. Every chef, cookery writer and food journalist worth their (smoked) salt advocates it, although according to Amelia Saltsman - author of The Seasonal Jewish Kitchen - we've been doing it for centuries.

"The very up-to-date issues in sustainability are integrated into the ancient lessons. Back then, everything was geared to the seasons and local techniques and local foods, so to come back to that focus is meaningful both for today and looking backwards," says Saltsman.

To her the Jewish cooking calendar is a perfect template for today's eating habits.

"Even if you don't know the names of all the holidays, a year's worth of Jewish food bears a striking resemblance to any market-driven cooks' seasonal road map."