contains material not in the Etgar Handbook
1) Complete the quotation: "With a mighty _________, God freed us from Egypt " (Exodus 13:16)
a) plague
b) miracle
c) leader
d) hand
e) strength
2) The Balfour Declaration was a letter addressed to which Rothschild:
a) Lionel
b) Walter
c) Dorothy
d) Solomon
e) Nathan
3) Israel developed a fighter jet called the Kfir based on the:
a) Dassault Mirage
b) BAe Hawk
c) Douglas A4 Skyhawk
d) McDonald Douglas F4 Phantom
e) Treaty of Westphalia
4) Which city in Israel styles itself as the "Children’s City"?
a) Tel Aviv
b) Haifa
c) Holon
d) Eilat
e) Beersheva
5) Which American author wrote The Chosen and My name is Asher Lev?
a) Philip Roth
b) Anita Diamant
c) Art Spiegelman
d) Jonathan Safran Foer
e) Chaim Potok
6) Who are the people who appear on the most recently printed shekel bills?
a) politicians
b) poets
c) actors
d) athletes
e) Nobel Prize winners
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Answers: 1d, 2b, 3a, 4c, 5e, 6b