Family & Education

The Etgar Quiz no 270

Try our weekly Jewish knowledge test


illustration: Miki Shaw

contains material not in Etgar Handbook

1) What is the first book in Ketuvim?

a) Tehillim

b) Job

c) Mishlei

d) Song of Songs

e) Esther

2) Who instituted the public reading of the Torah on Mondays and Thursdays?

a) Moses

b) Joshua

c) Samuel

d) King David

e) Ezra

3) What is Siegfried Marcus famous for inventing?

a) first sticky tape

b) first digital printer

c) petrol driven motor car

d) the iPhone

e) first telephone

4) So much technology is developed in Israel that it has been called:

a) Joogle

b) Silicon Oasis

c) Start-Up Nation

d) Humous & Chips

e) Israel tech

5) We say the bracha borei p'ri ha-etz before eating:

a) melon

b) banana

c) pineapple

d) tomato

e) avocado

6) How many masechtot (sections) are there in the Mishnah?

a) three

b) six

c) 15

d) 54

e) 63

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 Answers 1a ,2e, 3c, 4c, 5e, 6e

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