King Solomon High School has announced the name of its new headteacher to succeed Hannele Reece, who is leaving at the end of term after more than 20 years at the Redbridge school and four years as head.
Michele Phillips, deputy head of Highlands School in Enfield, will “bring a wealth of experience to the role”, chairman of governors Brian Westbury told parents.
He said Ms Reece would be leaving teaching and the school was “very sad to see her go”.
She had “implementing many changes in its leadership framework, curriculum and other improvements that have helped maintain the school as a distinguished seat of learning. We expect the exam results to be good this summer.”
Ms Phillips, who is Jewish and has a teaching background in religious studies and philosophy, “is committed to maintaining “the Jewish ethos of King Solomon, while also appreciating the diversity and cultural makeup of the student body,” he said.
The governing body was, he added, “very excited about the future. A change in leadership will require hard work from the new head, the staff, and the governors to ensure the best education for our pupils.”