Try the last quiz of the academic year before next week’s Inter-School Challenge
June 28, 2024 13:15By ETGAR
contains material not in the Etgar Handbook
1) What are the special products of Israel known as?
a) The Seven Fruits
b) Leket
c) The Four Cups
d) Shemittah
e) The Seven Species
2) Ladino is a language developed by Sephardi Jews. It is a combination of:
a) Hebrew and Latin
b) Hebrew and Spanish
c) Hebrew and Danish
d) Hebrew and Italian
e) Spanish and Italian
3) The longest road in Israel is...
a) Highway 90 (HaBikah)
b) Highway 6
c) Highway 1
d) Highway 2 (HaHoph)
e) Highway 4
4) In which book of Tanach does Devorah appear?
a) Devarim
b) Yehoshua
c) Shoftim
d) Melachim
e) Job
5) How did the Children of Israel know when to gather at the Ohel Moed (Tent of Meeting)?
a) they saw the pillar of cloud
b) they heard the sound of trumpets
c) they smelt incense burning
d) they felt an eathquake
e) they saw lightning in the sky
6) Who wrote the 1967 song Yerushalayim Shel Zahav ("Jeruslaem of Gold")?
a) Naomi Shemer
b) Ofra Haza
c) Yehuda Amichai
d) Arik Einstein
e) Dana International
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Answers 1e, 2b, 3a, 4c, 5b, 6a