Test your knowledge with this week's quiz
October 11, 2017 09:091. What is the odd one out?
a. Hadassim
b. Etrog
c. Aravot
d. Lulav
2. What do we celebrate on Simchat Torah?
a. The beginning of the autumn
b. The receiving of the Torah
c. The sealing of God’s judgment
d. The joy of learning Torah
e. The end of the cycle of Torah readings
3. Which one of the following people lived in the Rabbinic period?
a. Bruriah
b. Rambam
c. Ba’al Shem Tov
d. Golda Meir
e. Yehudah Halevi
4. Which Israeli town is by Lake Kineret?
a. Netanya
b. Tel Aviv
c. Tiberius
d. Haifa
e. Eilat
5. What Jewish prohibition may not be broken in order to save a life?
a. murder
b. theft
c. lying
d. eating non-kosher food
e. taking God’s name in vain
6. Which book of the Torah has the most parashiyot?
a. Bereshit
b. Shemot
c. Vayikra
d. Bamidbar
e. Devarim
Highlight the hidden text below to check your answers:
Answers 1e (not one of the four species of Succot), 2e, 3a, 4c,5a,6a