Family & Education

Etgar Challenge February 15

contains material not in the Etgar Handbook


1. The person in Nach who defeated the priests of Ba’al was a: 
a. king 
b. prophet 
c. priest 
d. warrior 
e. judge 

2 .The children of Israel said at Sinai: Na’aseh v’nishma. This means: 
a. We are ready and we are willing 
b. We will do and we will hear 
c. We have honoured and we have observed 
d. We will see and we will rejoice 
e. We will guard and we will protect 


3. In the Second World War, an outstanding Swedish diplomat saved many Jews. He was later captured by Soviet forces and was never heard from again. His name was: 
a. Willy Brandt 
b. Kurt Waldheim 
c. Raoul Wallenberg 
d. U Thant 
e. Dag Hammerskjold 

4. Joseph’s wife Osnat was the daughter of: 
a. Pharaoh 
b. Batya 
c. Potiphera 
d. Zaphenat 
e. Ephraim 

5. In the Tanach, which of the following people did not sing a song to Hashem after winning a battle? 
a. Moshe 
b. David 
c. Devorah 
d. Hezekiah 
e. Miriam 

6. Who was Prime Minister of Israel during the Six Day War? 
a. David Ben-Gurion 
b. Moshe Sharett 
c. Levi Eshkol 
d. Golda Meir 
e. Yitzhak Rabin 

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 Answers 1b, 2b, 3c, 4c, 5d, 6c

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