The Jewish Chronicle

Campus notebook: Peace Takes Two

October 19, 2011 10:26

ByMarcus Dysch, Marcus Dysch

1 min read

● Pro-Israel group Stand With Us has launched a "Peace Takes Two" campus campaign.

The organisation will distribute postcards displaying examples of Israel's efforts to make peace on one side, and challenges to "Palestinian rejectionism" on the other.

Gili Brenner, UK executive for Stand With Us, said: "We are encouraging pro-Israel students – both Jewish and non-Jewish – to make a proud and pro-active stand for Israel."

In November the group will host a student conference in central London.

The keynote address is due to be given by Israeli ambassador Daniel Taub. Louise Mensch MP will also be a guest speaker.

The event will include student panel debates and workshops and provide resources for use on campus.

● Newcastle JSoc enjoyed a busy Freshers' Week with 25 new members signing up, an increase on last year's figures.

The society's first event was a drinks social held in the newly-refurbished Newcastle University Union. There was also a Yom Kippur post-fast party.

A number of events are planned for this term, including the annual Sukkot Crawl, a simchah dancing session, fireworks party and Friday night dinners.

The JSoc has a new website - - and is now on Twitter at @newcastlejsoc.

● Students from around Europe will be encouraged to meet their soulmate at a party in Brussels.

The European Centre for Jewish Students (ECJS) is holding its annual three-day Party Like a Jew celebration in the Belgian capital next month. Executive director Zevi Ives said previous events had resulted in dozens of couples meeting – and in many cases marrying.

He said: "We expect more than 500 Jews to attend the weekend with the annual Saturday night ball attracting 1,000 attendees from around Europe."