Rabbi Danny Rich
Rabbi Danny Rich is the Senior Rabbi and Chief Executive of Liberal Judaism.
Parashah of the week: Re’eh
“Put the inhabitants of that town to the sword and its cattle to the sword. Doom it all and all that is in it to destruction: ...and burn the town” Deuteronomy 13:16-17
Parashah of the week: Pinchas
“Let the Eternal God, source of the breath of all flesh, appoint someone over the community” Numbers 27:16
Parashah of the week: Beha’alotecha
“We remember the fish we used to eat free in Egypt - the cucumbers, the melons, the leeks, the onions and the garlic” Numbers 11:6
Parashah of the week: Emor
“No person of your offspring throughout the ages who has a defect shall {be qualified to} offer food to his God”
Parashah of the week: Tazria
“When a person has on the skin of his body a swelling, a rash or a discolouration, and it develops into a scaly affection on the skin of his body it shall be reported to Aaron, the priest or to one of his sons, the priest” Leviticus 13:2
Parashah of the week: Vayakhel
“{Bezalel} was endowed with a divine spirit of skill, ability and knowledge” Exodus 35:31
Parashah of the week: Yitro
“Moses’s father-in- law said to him: ‘The thing you are doing is not right; you will surely wear yourself out and these people as well” Exodus 18:17-18
Parashah of the week: Vayechi
“Joseph died at the age of 110 years and he was embalmed and placed in a coffin” Genesis 50:26
Parashah of the Week: Vayetze
“In the time of the wheat harvest, Reuben went out and found mandrakes” Genesis 30:14
When to say ‘goodbye’ should be our choice
Incurably ill individuals should be free to discuss openly their wishes about dying, writes Rabbi Danny Rich
Balfour centenary: What is our hope and vision?
Rabbi Danny Rich, the senior rabbi of Liberal Judaism, gave this speech at Britain’s Broken Promise: Time for a New Approach, a conference on the centenary of the Balfour Declaration, organised by the Balfour Project charity, which took at Methodist Central Hall, Westminster, on October 31
JLM are right to stand - to fight antisemitism and to offer a real choice
Liberal Judaism's senior rabbi says JLM are doing the right thing by trying to win support for Labour
It's the right decision for the community
The progressive view
Brexit: Now we must avoid narrow nationalism
Liberal Judaism has sought to build a policy of inclusion
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